Saturday, August 30, 2008

Auto Insurance

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Here are some more ways to save a few dollars: Car Repairs.

The most important step that you can take to save money on these repairs is to find a skilled, honest mechanic. Consumers lose billions of dollars each year on unneeded or poorly done car repairs. Before you need repairs, look for a mechanic who: - is certified and well established; - has done good work for someone you know. Auto Insurance. And. - communicates well about repair options and costs. You can save several hundred dollars a year by purchasing auto insurance from a licensed, low- price insurer. Then call at least four of the lowest- priced, licensed insurers to learn what they would charge you for the same coverage.

Call your state insurance department for a publication showing typical prices charged by different companies. Talk to your agent or insurer about raising your deductibles on collision and comprehensive coverage to at least$ 500 or, if you have an old car, dropping this coverage altogether. Make certain that your new policy is in effect before dropping your old one. Taking these steps can save you hundreds of dollars a year. Homeowner/ Renter Insurance. Ask your state insurance department for a publication showing typical prices charged by different licensed companies. You can save several hundred dollars a year on homeowner insurance and up to$ 50 a year on renter insurance by purchasing insurance from a low- price, licensed insurer.

Then call at least four of the lowest priced insurers to learn what they would charge you. Make certain you purchase enough coverage to replace the house and its contents. "Replacement" on the house means rebuilding to its current condition. If such a publication is not available, it is even more important to call at least four insurers for price quotes. Make certain your new policy is in effect before dropping your old one. If you want insurance protection only, and not a savings and investment product, buy a term life insurance policy. Life Insurance.

If you want to buy a whole life, or other cash, universal life value policy, plan to hold it for at least 15 years. Check the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website or your local library for information on the financial soundness of insurance companies. Canceling these policies after only a few years can more than double your life insurance costs.


Selecting An Experienced Trust And Estate Planning Attorney Is Critical - Clare Uchida's Finance and Financial Planning blog:

You are a busy professional or business executive who must serve his clients or build his business.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Consolidate Debt Loans Too

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Wellness in wealth is something you have in order to be happy and successful in life. Your family, health and other, love life aspects of your life can easily be influence by your wealth wellness.

There are so many variables that can positively affect your life. So it is very important that wealth or shall I say your finances has to be in order to be able to have more successful and fulfilling life. Loans and Debts: How do you handle your debts and loans? Wellness with Wealth: Your financial wellness goes a long way in alleviating your many burdens in life. Do you need to consolidate debt loans? How about school debts or your student debts and loans?

Debt consolidation may be your option but can sometimes be tricky. Are you going to get a school loan consolidation or a college loan consolidation? How about credit card debts? Again, this may be a good option for students who are burden with debts and loans. Consolidate debt loans too? By consolidating all your debts and loans into one single monthly bill payment, you are doing yourself a favor by contending to only one type of payment which is the one amount of payment calculated after you consolidate debt loans.

Consolidate debt loans is the easiest way out from the stressful life of managing multiple bill payments. The role of your insurance in your overall Wellness with Wealth is very significant as when you prepare your road map to financial wellness. Being protected means you have to secure an affordable life insurance, home or mortgage, car insurance insurance, employment insurance and health insurance. It is always of paramount importance that your family and love ones are properly protected. Without this basic protection your family and loves may not be protected in case something happens to you. The reason being is you do not want to be short change in dealing with your house hunting or real estate property protection.

Wellness with Wealth also deals with subjects like real estate properties and agents. Your real estate property is the largest investment you could make in your lifetime so must do a thorough research and or do a due diligence when investing in real estate and picking the right real estate agent. Your insurance will definitely be affected if you are charge with DWI or DUI. Wellness With Wealth may also entail topics about dealing with DWI and DUI when obtaining or trying to procure insurance. So you need to have a good DWI attorney or a dui attorney to lessen the impact of what you are charge and to protect your rights. Thru a consolidate debt loans. With all the financial wellness gurus out there who would advise you on so many aspects of finances, it is best that you go online and research as much as you can before deciding on whatever move you may take.

A lot of us consider this to be a saving grace for people or students with mountains of debts. Financial wellness thru mortgage refinancing is another way of dealing with some cash shortages you may be having at certain times. Most students who incurred so many debts are compounded with the fact that most if not all students have credit cards that are already max out. Mortgage refinancing is a good option to take if you want to fix a backyard or renovate your house and you are short on cash. The only difference is that in a refinancing, you can get the money to use for some other purposes. Consolidate debt loans is basically the same as refinancing.

Financial wellness thru consolidate debt loans or debt consolidation loan, is a very popular way of easing and dealing with debt burden and managing multiple bill payments. And that you will not fall prey to the lenders dirty tactics or fast tricks which may cost you more in the long run. If you use these way of dealing with your debts and loans, you must be do a lot of research in finding the best lender that suits your financial situation. So do due diligences before you consolidate debt loans.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Or, You May Change Your Name And Not Notify Your Banks Or Other Companies

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Everyone can use some help getting their financial affairs in order, but especially senior citizens who may face special challenges and decisions involving money management later in life.

Direct deposits are safe, reliable and convenient. Simplify your life: Have your Social Security benefits, pension payments and other income automatically deposited into your bank account each month. Also arrange with your bank to automatically pay your mortgage, insurance premiums and, utility bills other recurring charges. You can also have automatic withdrawals from your bank account to routinely put a certain amount of money into a savings account, a certificate of deposit( CD) , a mutual fund or a U. Doing so takes the hassle out of making scheduled payments and helps avoid late charges or service interruptions. Telephone banking allows you to use your touch- tone phone to confirm that checks or deposits have cleared, get your latest balance or transfer money between different accounts at the same bank.

Savings Bond. And if you own a home computer, consider banking and bill paying quickly and easily over the Internet, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also consider opening a" cash management account" that combines cash, stocks and other assets into one account with check- writing and credit card services. Internet banking and bill paying is usually free of charge or it costs less than what you d spend on postage. These accounts usually involve an annual maintenance fee. Who else should have access to checking accounts to pay bills if you re hospitalized?

Update your will and other legal documents: Who will inherit your savings accounts and other property when you die? What kind of medical treatments do you want to receive- or avoid- if you become critically ill? Your answers to these questions may require actions involving important legal documents and how you set up various bank accounts. These are the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself, preferably in consultation with family members and your lawyer or other experts. Some matters may be handled as part of your will. Having these health- related directives can prevent unwanted and potentially costly medical procedures.

Others may involve having or updating a" durable power of attorney" (authorizing someone to handle your finances, property or other personal matters if you become mentally or physically incapacitated) , a" living will" (instructions about future medical care if you become ill and are unable to communicate your wishes) or a" health care power of attorney" (designating a family member to make decisions about medical treatment) . You may want to hire an attorney specializing in elder law or" estate planning" (how money and property and other assets can go to your heirs with a minimum of costs, taxes and hassles) . As the victims of recent hurricanes, floods and other disasters have learned, it s wise to take extra precautions with essential records. Organize and protect your important documents: Make sure your bank and brokerage statements, Social Security and, insurance policies company pension records, and other personal and financial papers are in a safe place and easy to get to. For the most important original documents, passports and birth, such as wills certificates, seal them in airtight and waterproof containers to prevent water damage. Consider renting a safe deposit box at your bank for certain papers that could be difficult or impossible to replace, such as birth certificates and originals of important contracts.

Make backup copies and consider giving duplicates to loved ones- or at least let them know where to find your records in an emergency. Don t put into a safe deposit box anything you might need in an emergency, such as your passport or medical- care directives, in case your bank is closed for the night or weekend. And remember that copies of wills aren t valid. Also, many experts generally advise against putting a will in a safe deposit box because, there may be, in many states complications accessing the will after the person dies. Perhaps the best approach is to ask your attorney for guidance. Toss old documents: Are you afraid to throw away old bank statements, receipts and cancelled, bills checks because you think you may need them some day?

For the most important papers you keep at home, consider an inexpensive but durable home safe. We can t tell you when it s safe to throw away certain financial documents- that s for you to decide, perhaps after consulting with your accountant or attorney. Cancelled checks that support your tax returns( such as charitable contributions, home improvement costs, investments or tax payments) should be held for at least seven years and in some cases indefinitely. For example, cancelled checks with no long- term significance for tax or other purposes probably can be destroyed after about a year. Also, to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft, shred any document that contains a Social Security number, bank account number or other personal or financial information. Take precautions with old accounts. A crosscut shredder that turns paper into confetti is highly recommended by experts.

For the benefit of your heirs, either dispose of proof of old bank and brokerage accounts, life insurance policies and other assets you no longer own( again, assuming you don t need the documents for tax or other purposes) or clearly mark them as being sold or cashed in. On the other hand, people do lose or forget about money or property. Otherwise, loved ones who discover the information after your death could waste a lot of time and effort researching these mystery accounts when there is no money or property to be claimed. It s easier than you think. Or, you may change your name and not notify your banks or other companies. For example, you may move and fail to give a forwarding address to a bank where you have a small savings account.

That s why it s important to keep records of your finances, note which accounts have been closed or cashed in, and make sure your financial institutions and others who owe you money have your current address. You also can begin a search for assets of any sort that have been sent to a state by going to the Web site of the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. In most cases, after a certain number of years of being" unclaimed, " assets are transferred to the state government, where they still can be claimed by the rightful owners. And one final warning: Beware of frauds involving companies offering to" find" your unclaimed property. But some companies may charge fees up- front based on misleading claims or for services you could easily perform on your own. There are reputable companies that, for a fee based on actual recoveries, will help people who don t want to take the time to research unclaimed property or whose cases may be unusually complex.


What Is A 457 Plan - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

What is a 457 plan? Contributions made to the plan with pre- tax money, and contributions are, earnings tax deferred while under the plan, and contributions are generally made by the employee, although some plans do have contributions by employees as well.

There Are Many Benefits To Having Your Money Problems Under Control - Finance and Financial Planning:

I could only guess what a great feeling it would be to be totally out of debt. Although most people will have a hard time getting a handle on the money that goes through their hands if you plan everything right you most certainly can take control of your money.

Free Checking Accounts Are Fairly Easy To Procure - Finance and Financial Planning:

No wonder so many of us run from discussions on financial matters, and spend too, ignore our bills much money, as if in rebellion. Last year, the Employee Benefits Research Institute released the results of a study concluding that the majority of Americans are unprepared for retirement, are not saving enough for it, and have unrealistic expectations about how much they will need to live comfortably in their golden years.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here Comes The Importance Of Financial Planning

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Perhaps the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of your retirement life would be a comfortable stroll around a well- manicured lawn with your spouse or playing or enjoying your post- retirement life with your grand children and other dear ones.

Hence, it is important that you have better understanding on financial principles and ability to devise an effective plan on your financial matters. But this would remain just a dream if you do not plan your budget and finance effectively right from the beginning of your life. Here comes the importance of financial planning. Financial planning is also vital for cash management and budgeting, risk management, income tax planning, estate planning, which is vital for transferring any kind of asset or property to your heirs as well as beneficiaries, and management of investment let it be in mutual funds, real estate, bonds, stocks or business. However, financial planning is essential for not just to plan for your retirement life, but beyond that. Financial planning is just a method to achieve your life s goal by managing your finances in a proper way.

Usually, the inputs required for financial planning are your personal goals, your finance consisting of current income and all kinds of assets and liabilities that you possess, and above all your ability to take risks. In other words, financial planning is regarded as a roadmap that ensures your financial well being. When comes to financial planning s output, it tells you to utilize as well as manage your finances in order to meet your goals by keeping in mind such important factors as returns, and tax, inflation. An effective financial planning involves certain important steps. In a snap shot, financial planning is a technique through which you can systematically plan your finances for achieving your goals, no matter it is short term or long term. Some of them are.

Financial planning is revolved around attaining your dreams and hopes, which may be sometimes to lead a comfortable life, pay for your children s education or marriage purposes, or for charitable, acquiring a property purposes. Establishment of goal- This is probably the core among the steps in financial planning. Included in this step is self assessment of your ability to put your finance at risk and achieve your goals. Data Analysis- In this step, with these collected data, you should analyze your current financial situation in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Collection of Data- This step involves gathering of all kinds of data that are vital for devising an effective financial plan, brokerage as well, such as as bank statements, documents pertaining to estate, and income and, insurance policies expenditure statement. Based upon this, a detailed as well as personalized plan must be devised.

Implementation of plan- The plan you have developed or created would be meaningless, if you don t act on it. Development of an effective plan- Once you have gathered and analyzed all required data, the next step is to create an effective plan that would help you to accomplish your goals of life. However, in order to implement a plan, you may be required undertake certain actions such as setting up particular accounts, investing in some kinds of policies or securities, buying some investment related products, and updating your investment plans. A host of benefits can be derived through an efficient financial planning. Reviewing of plan- After you have implemented the plan, it is important to constantly check its performance and keep the plan up to date. Foremost is that it helps to eliminate needless expenditure and helps for better monitoring of cash flows.

Benefits of financial planning also include maximized or improved ROI( Return on Investment. ) Other obvious benefits of effective financial planning are considerable reduction in tax liability, better management of wealth for the achievement of goals, and effective estate, secured retirement life planning. Another great benefit of financial planning is that it helps to maintain an optimal balance between income and expenditure. Above all, financial planning ensures that your dependants are financially secured. Some of them even provide services of expert financial planners, who perform a continuum of activities for the effective management of your finances. Nowadays, many of the leading business consultant firms in the scenario provide expert services for financial planning.


The Policy Has A Large Loan - Finance and Financial Planning:

Most people do not know they can sell an insurance policy. Even term insurance, which has no cash value, is a candidate for purchase.

These Will Only Give Back A Small Amount Of Interest - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Few families pass on actual knowledge about wealth building to their children.

One Spouse Cannot Make Financial Decisions For The Other Spouse - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

Are you a gambler?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Limits Had Not Changed Since He Had Done His Initial Loan And It Did Not Make Any Sense For Him To Look Into Refinancing

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

I received a call from the son and daughter of a senior borrower today and they wanted to know if their mother could refinance her reverse mortgage loan.

The reason I asked for the borrower s motivation was because I had a borrower call just a week before and ask if he could refinance because he was receiving a payment and he wanted to change to a line of credit. I answered them honestly that yes, but had to, she could ask why was she thinking about refinancing. I told him that he needed to contact his lender, that with a small fee he could change his existing loan and not have to incur any additional costs for a new loan. Back to the first borrower. The limits had not changed since he had done his initial loan and it did not make any sense for him to look into refinancing. When I received her information, I saw that she had taken an annual adjustable rate, that the HUD Lending Limit in her area had gone up a good deal, that her initial mortgage was taken with her husband who was five years younger but had since passed and that it really did make sense for her to refinance into a new monthly adjustable reverse mortgage loan. The things you have to remember when you consider refinancing a reverse mortgage loan is that HUD has a Five Times Benefit rule to determine whether or not the borrower has to go back through counseling again.

Since the passing of her husband, she really needed the extra income and I was glad we were able to help her out. The five times benefit means that you have to take all the costs incurred to do the new loan and multiply those by 5 and if the borrower is not receiving at least 5 times or more this much money with the new loan over the old loan, then the borrower must attend counseling again. A good way to illustrate this is that if all the costs for the new loan would total$ 10, 000, then the borrower would have to net$ 50, 000 more on the new loan( there is a formula that the lenders have to follow per HUD guidelines which also accounts for servicing set- asides but for simplicity sake, this is a simplification of the policy) . It doesn t mean the borrower can t get the loan, if it still makes sense, they just have to go through the counseling again to make sure they again understand the program. In my borrower s case, she wound up netting a significantly higher benefit and did not have to attend counseling again. The mortgage insurance from the loan being paid off is transferred to the new loan so only the difference from the old level to the new level is what the borrower has to pay on a refinance.

The costs you have to incur are all the same costs as when you got your first reverse mortgage( title, appraisal, escrow, origination fee, etc. ) with the exception of one the mortgage insurance. For example, if the old mortgage insurance was based on a lending limit of$ 200, 000 and the new limit was$ 225, then the mortgage, 000 insurance would be 2% of the difference between the two, or$ 500 instead of the$ 45111 it would normally cost. By and large, if there has been a change in your area or a life change with the original borrowers, it may make sense to look into a refinance. The borrower already paid the other$ 4, 0111 on the first loan and HUD does not charge it a second time for the new refinance. Give us a call and let us look at your circumstances but if it doesn t make sense for you, we will tell you right up front. There is no reason to incur costs unless you, really are going, the borrower to benefit by doing so.


You Will Receive A Credit Card Plan That Has The Lowest Interest Rate They Offer - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

As you probably know, credit cards are some of the most valuable tools in our modern world.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Finding An Estate Planning Specialist

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

Estate planning is a serious responsibility. It is a way to make sure everyone is provided for.

It is a way to make sure that all you have worked for your whole life goes to those you love. You are never too young to think about drawing up a will. What Happens If You Don t Leave A Will? In Louisiana, the estate planning laws and laws of inheritance are somewhat different than those anywhere else. If you don t leave a will, what do you think will happen to your wealth and possessions? In Louisiana, that is not the case. Most of us imagine that it will automatically be transferred to our husbands or wives.

According to Louisiana estate planning law, if there is no will everything goes to the deceased s parents. If the parents are no longer living, everything goes to the deceased s siblings. They own the property and have full usage rights. Without a will, your accumulated wealth and possessions do not go to your spouse, except for purchases made together during your married life. Separate property is acquired prior to a marriage. Any wealth that the individual has acquired separately of their spouse will be transferred to parents or siblings, and this includes business earnings.

Acquired by inheritance or donated to one spouse individually. If there are kids, the kids will get ownership of the estate, but they will not have usage rights. Or acquired by one spouse with separate funds or with separate and community funds where the community funds are very small in comparison to the separate funds. This means that, although they get a share of the inheritance, they have no rights over it being sold or divided among others. It is always important to make a will, but this is why it is especially important in the state of Louisiana. Even in the case where the kids inherit the wealth, the spouse still gets nothing. Alternatives To Making A Will.

This means that anyone can see what you owned, and who it, how much was transferred to. Some people are reluctant to make a will because it becomes a matter of public record after you die. For privacy s sake, many people look for other options. It is easy enough to make a will. There are lots of options to making a will, including life insurance policies, trust funds, "Transfer On Death" and" Payable On Death" plans, IRA s and joint tenancy or common tenancy plans, where an individual can make all of their earnings common property of themselves and their spouse and/ or kids. Anyone 18 years of age can do it. Finding An Estate Planning Specialist.

But, these alternatives require estate planning legal help. It is very important to find an estate planning lawyer who either resides in Louisiana or has experience dealing with Louisiana estate planning law. The most important thing is to make sure that your family is provided for after you die. Louisiana operates differently than other states in this regard. It s something nobody wants to think about, but not taking care of it can be catastrophic for your loved ones.


- Articles:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pensions And Investments Can Beat The Index

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

The most important criteria in picking pensions or investments to deposit your funds in, is their performance. In recent years, this has led to a huge growth in index tracker funds.

Many investors are disappointed in their pensions and investments performance, as the majority of fund mangers cannot even beat the index! Pensions and Investments can beat the Index! Also outlined is a method that has actually returned over 20% annually. Here is an outline of what you need to look for when seeking an advisory service with the potential to achieve an above average return on your pensions and investments while keeping drawdowns low. Here are four tips on getting a better return on your pensions and investments. Check the past performance of all the funds under management- you want to know what is the overall performance of the fund manager- i. e. make sure they re not just showing you the good ones.

Four Tips to Finding a Good Pensions and Investments Manager. Look at the drawdowns, so you know the risk of the investment. What are the fees? You should also find out what their policy on money management is. How much do you pay and how does this impact on performance and drawdown. Does the manager have a conflict of interest? Fees on your pensions and investment add up!

Fund managers who not only make management fees, but also receive some of the dealing fees manage many pensions and investments. W D Gann s Amazing Method. If this is the case, there is a conflict of interest, as they may trade to earn dealing fees, rather than concentrating purely on the investments performance. One trading method that you should consider when seeking above average growth potential in pensions and investments are the methods of W D Gann. $50 million in profits! He predicted the 1929 stock market crash for example a year in advance and then proceeded to buy the Dow s lows in 1932! Gann was one of the most famous investors of all time amassing a fortune of$ 50 million dollars.

Gann died in 1955, but his methods are still in use today by astute investors and traders worldwide. Your pensions and investments can benefit from this method of trading- it s the basic logic upon which all successful trading occurs. Just like any good investment method, the techniques work on a wide variety of markets and aim to run the big profitable trends and liquidate losses quickly. It s Your Money! If you have a self- administered scheme, a stock or, a sipp commodity fund, make sure that when you pick a manager you pick the right one. So, invest it wisely.

Easy to Understand FREE Information. When you look at the methods of Gann, you will see why so many investors trust his unique approach to investing.


The First Is A Medical Power Of Attorney - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

Few topics confuse investors more than figuring out what estate- related documents they need.

Educator Expenses - Finance and Financial Planning Blog:

How many times have you done your taxes, and a week or a month later realized you forgot a deduction? In my experience, these are the top 5 missed deductions.

So. What Is Cash Flow Planning - Finance and Financial Planning Articles:

You ve heard it a million times- cash can make or break a business. In fact, many PROFITABLE businesses fail because of cash flow issues.