Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pensions And Investments Can Beat The Index

Category: Finance, Financial Planning.

The most important criteria in picking pensions or investments to deposit your funds in, is their performance. In recent years, this has led to a huge growth in index tracker funds.

Many investors are disappointed in their pensions and investments performance, as the majority of fund mangers cannot even beat the index! Pensions and Investments can beat the Index! Also outlined is a method that has actually returned over 20% annually. Here is an outline of what you need to look for when seeking an advisory service with the potential to achieve an above average return on your pensions and investments while keeping drawdowns low. Here are four tips on getting a better return on your pensions and investments. Check the past performance of all the funds under management- you want to know what is the overall performance of the fund manager- i. e. make sure they re not just showing you the good ones.

Four Tips to Finding a Good Pensions and Investments Manager. Look at the drawdowns, so you know the risk of the investment. What are the fees? You should also find out what their policy on money management is. How much do you pay and how does this impact on performance and drawdown. Does the manager have a conflict of interest? Fees on your pensions and investment add up!

Fund managers who not only make management fees, but also receive some of the dealing fees manage many pensions and investments. W D Gann s Amazing Method. If this is the case, there is a conflict of interest, as they may trade to earn dealing fees, rather than concentrating purely on the investments performance. One trading method that you should consider when seeking above average growth potential in pensions and investments are the methods of W D Gann. $50 million in profits! He predicted the 1929 stock market crash for example a year in advance and then proceeded to buy the Dow s lows in 1932! Gann was one of the most famous investors of all time amassing a fortune of$ 50 million dollars.

Gann died in 1955, but his methods are still in use today by astute investors and traders worldwide. Your pensions and investments can benefit from this method of trading- it s the basic logic upon which all successful trading occurs. Just like any good investment method, the techniques work on a wide variety of markets and aim to run the big profitable trends and liquidate losses quickly. It s Your Money! If you have a self- administered scheme, a stock or, a sipp commodity fund, make sure that when you pick a manager you pick the right one. So, invest it wisely.

Easy to Understand FREE Information. When you look at the methods of Gann, you will see why so many investors trust his unique approach to investing.


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